Payment Analysis
856.00CAD/monthin Fort McMurray, AB
- 856.00 CAD/month
- 395.08 CAD/bi-weekly
- 197.54 CAD/week
- 10,272.00 CAD/year
Before Taxes:
Incl. Alberta Taxes (5%):
- 898.80 CAD/month
- 414.83 CAD/bi-weekly
- 207.42 CAD/week
- 10,785.60 CAD/year
Lease Takeover/Buyout Analysis
The Lease Takeover Analysis (LTA) "Leasing Purposes" section is an impartial review made by a Lease Takeover Specialist from LeaseCosts Canada Inc. and should be used as reference. (Learn more about the LTA)
For Leasing Purposes
Not yet Available
Business Vehicle Analysis
This section is very important if you are interested in the vehicle for Uber, Lyft, Turo, Getaround, vehicle rental or for a business. (Learn more about this section)
Distance Analysis
Cost to drive 100km: (CAD)
- + tax
- + fuel
- + insurance
Time Analysis
Cost per day: (CAD)
- + tax
- + insurance
- + km driven & fuel
Remaining Km
Can be driven up to:
- km/week
- without any
- additional costs