Latest Tesla Takeovers
Model Y 2 Dual Motor Automatique AWD Auto Drive
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,499 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 10,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 973 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 3,000 CAD
- Residual Value: 73,243 CAD
- Months to End: 19 months (Aug, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 50,000 km total
- Available Now: 8,842 km/year (737 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model Y Long Range All Wheel Drive Automatique AWD Dual Motor
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 995 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 5,892 CAD
- Months to End: 20 months (Sep, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 17,904 km total
- Available Now: 27,658 km/year (2,305 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Tesla Model Y Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 760 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 2,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 698 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 32 months (Sep, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 22,500 km total
- Available Now: 15,563 km/year (1,297 per month)
MODEL 3 Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 732 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 1,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 699 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 31 months (Jul, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 25,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 16,884 km total
- Available Now: 32,174 km/year (2,681 per month)
Model Y Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 755 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 35 months (Dec, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 8,606 km total
- Available Now: 15,335 km/year (1,278 per month)
Model 3 Long Range Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 847 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 43 months (Aug, 2028)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 25,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 4,254 km total
- Available Now: 26,138 km/year (2,178 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model Y Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,100 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 7 months (Aug, 2025)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 25,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 79,300 km total
- Available Now: 35,486 km/year (2,957 per month)
- Please note that this contract ends in less than a year.
Model 3 AWD Long Range Automatique AWD Premium White Exterior / Premium White Interior / 19inch Nova Upgraded Rims
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 765 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 3,800 CAD
- Months to End: 42 months (Jun, 2028)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 8,000 km total
- Available Now: 16,000 km/year (1,333 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Y AWD Long Range Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 805 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 5,816 CAD
- Months to End: 28 months (May, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 25,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 38,000 km total
- Available Now: 26,571 km/year (2,214 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model Y Performance Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,310 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 4,512 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 1,085 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 7,500 CAD
- Months to End: 20 months (Sep, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 35,721 km total
- Available Now: 16,167 km/year (1,347 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Standard Range Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 633 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 2,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 553 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 9,250 CAD
- Months to End: 25 months (Feb, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 22,967 km total
- Available Now: 19,696 km/year (1,641 per month)
Model Y Performance Automatique AWD White upgraded interior
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 813 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 12,000 CAD
- Residual Value: 1 CAD
- Months to End: 8 months (Sep, 2025)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 29,000 km total
- Available Now: 76,500 km/year (6,375 per month)
- Please note that this contract ends in less than a year.
- Excess Km Cost: 0.10 CAD/km
Model Y Automatique AWD Long Range, Dual Motors, Full Autopilot
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,005 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 5,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 826 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 5,250 CAD
- Residual Value: 38,585 CAD
- Months to End: 28 months (May, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 25,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 44,000 km total
- Available Now: 24,000 km/year (2,000 per month)
Model Y LR AWD Automatique AWD Enhanced Autopilot
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 989 CAD/month + tax
- Required Payment: 3,750 CAD
- Payment Including Incentive: 1,107 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 32 months (Sep, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 3,871 km total
- Available Now: 22,548 km/year (1,879 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model 3 Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 625 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 8,635 CAD
- Months to End: 26 months (Mar, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 10,700 km total
- Available Now: 24,600 km/year (2,050 per month)
Model 3 Standard Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 873 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 2,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 786 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 23 months (Nov, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 45,000 km total
- Available Now: 17,391 km/year (1,449 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model X AWD Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 2,133 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 4,510 CAD
- Months to End: 80 months (Aug, 2031)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 65,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 18,086 km total
- Available Now: 75,287 km/year (6,274 per month)
Venza Limited Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 660 CAD/month + tax
- Residual Value: 22,000 CAD
- Months to End: 42 months (Jun, 2028)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 18,000 km total
- Available Now: 23,429 km/year (1,952 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model S AWD Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,989 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 1,989 CAD
- Months to End: 32 months (Aug, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 10,000 km total
- Available Now: 26,250 km/year (2,188 per month)
Model 3 Long Range AWD Automatique AWD Enhanced Autopilot, Floor Mats
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,061 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 23 months (Nov, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 46,500 km total
- Available Now: 17,478 km/year (1,457 per month)
Standard Range Plus Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 702 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 25 months (Feb, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 20,000 km total
- Available Now: 28,800 km/year (2,400 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model 3 Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 701 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 31 months (Aug, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 2,870 km total
- Available Now: 29,857 km/year (2,488 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
model 3 performance Automatique AWD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,154 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 4,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 972 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 5,000 CAD
- Months to End: 22 months (Oct, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 5,600 km total
- Available Now: 40,582 km/year (3,382 per month)
Model 3 Performance Automatique AWD Premium audio, white interior, premium interior
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,207 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 1,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 1,159 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 1,300 CAD
- Months to End: 21 months (Sep, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 25,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 35,000 km total
- Available Now: 37,143 km/year (3,095 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.16 CAD/km
Model 3 Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 892 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 23 months (Dec, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 13,000 km total
- Available Now: 26,609 km/year (2,217 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Model 3 Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 740 CAD/month + tax
- Residual Value: 28,503 CAD
- Months to End: 25 months (Feb, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 33,078 km total
- Available Now: 14,843 km/year (1,237 per month)
Model 3 Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 968 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 1,192 CAD
- Months to End: 17 months (May, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 6,203 km total
- Available Now: 40,798 km/year (3,400 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Deal Special Perks
Model 3 SR Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 904 CAD/month + tax
- Months to End: 22 months (Nov, 2026)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 16,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 250 km total
- Available Now: 34,773 km/year (2,898 per month)
Model 3 Base range Automatique 2WD
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 1,100 CAD/month + tax
- Cash Incentive: 1,000 CAD
- Payment After Incentive: 1,066 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 7,500 CAD
- Months to End: 29 months (May, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 20,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 14,000 km total
- Available Now: 34,897 km/year (2,908 per month)
Model Y Automatique AWD Pearl White with Black Interior
Payment Details
- Current Payment: 841 CAD/month + tax
- Original Downpayment: 9,000 CAD
- Months to End: 31 months (Jul, 2027)
Vehicle Status
- Contract Allowance: 25,000 km/year
- Current Odometer: 24,500 km total
- Available Now: 29,226 km/year (2,435 per month)
- Excess Km Cost: 0.15 CAD/km
Deal Special Perks
Tesla Canada: Brand History & Summary
Tesla Canada has ten retail stores across the country. In 2020, Tesla Canada sold a total of 8,300 units in the country, from 16,400 in 2019. During the same period, Tesla sold almost 300,000 units in the US.
Tesla is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. It operates its stores across North America and Canada from this location. Tesla vehicles are produced in the Fremont factory in California.
In 2003, Tesla was started by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Elon Musk joined the company in 2004. Tesla’s engineers wanted to create a fun and practical all-electric vehicle that could compete with gasoline cars. Tesla’s first launch was the Roadster. By 2008, Elon Musk was the CEO of Tesla and the same year the all-electric sedan Model S was launched. It became an instant success. In 2015, the SUV Model X was added to the product line. In 2017, Tesla started production on the lower-priced Model 3. In 2020, it started the production of the Model Y. By 2022, Tesla plans to increase production to 500,000 vehicles a year.
Explore the Full List of Tesla Canada Offers
The following list contains all online quotable base models as of the estimated prices offered by Tesla Canada for the current period. Prices are estimated based on the lowest Km per year, the specified term, rebates and taxes included.